Sunday, October 17, 2010

Missional Ideas from Outreach Magazine

A list of ideas from the July/August 2010 Issue: Small Church America...
  1. Survey the community to discover what people are struggling with
  2. CommunityVision of America
  4. Home foreclosure alternatives
  5. Homework help for youth
  6. Shut down Sunday worship to go out and help in the community
  7. Neighborhood beautification
  8. Caring for the sick
  9. Home makeovers for poor families
  10. Car repair for single mothers and the elderly
  11. Fast from fast food and donate the money saved to a local food bank
  12. Group for persons with mood disorders (depression, bipolar), open to public
  13. Connect with people within 10 miles of the church using Twitter
  14. Firewood for the needy in winter
  15. Kids drama/musical productions with casting open to public
  16. Kids carnival
  17. Archery and devotions through national Centershot Ministries
  18. Sports through national ministry Upward Sports
  19. Build wheelchair ramps for elderly - may be grants available thru AARP, states, etc
  20. Food pantry for elderly - may be grants available
  21. Clothing closet for elderly
  22. Digging wells, clean drinking water overseas thru Living Water International
    1. Traditional small churches - resilient, nimble, sustainable, little or no debts, strong member loyalty, deep roots in community
    2. Marketplace churches ("third place") - churches that operate coffee shops, consignment stores, art galleries, pubs, etc during business hours, and gather for worship on the weekends
    3. Lifestyle churches - focus on a subculture in society such as bikers, surfers, cowboys, race drivers and pit crews, skateboarders, hip-hop lovers, etc.
    4. Ethnic churches - focus on first generation U.S. immigrants
    5. Multiethnic churches - focus on American-born ethnic groups of various kinds in order to bring them together
    6. New church starts - new church start has no old guard saying, "We've never done it that way before," easy to replicate because began recently and small
    7. Intentionally small churches - also called house, simple or organic churches, highly flexible, led by lay people, committed to fellowship, can meet anywhere
  24. continue on pg 73
See more ideas at

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