I appreciate the work of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship at Calvin Seminary in Michigan. They are part of what some call the liturgical renewal movement and have been in existence for ten years now. Below is a summary of their convictions about worship after ten years.
Ten Core Convictions About Christian Worship
1. a vivid awareness of the beauty, majesty, mystery, and holiness of the triune God
Worship cultivates our knowledge and imagination about who God is and what God has done. Worship gives us a profound awareness of the glory, beauty, and holiness of God. Each element of worship can be understood through a Trinitarian framework. Worship renewal is best sustained by attention to the triune God we worship.
2. the full, conscious, active participation of all worshipers, in the context of a fully intergenerational community
Worship is not just what ministers, musicians, and other leaders do; it is what all worshipers “do”—through the work of the Spirit in worship. In vital worship, all worshipers are involved in the actions, words, and meaning of worship. God’s covenant promises endure “from generation to generation.” Worship that arises out of an intentionally intergenerational community, in which people of all ages are welcomed as full participants, and whose participation enriches each other, reflects that worship breaks down barriers of age.
For more, click here: http://www.calvin.edu/worship/about/ten/
Related Link
• Ten core convictions with related scripture, questions, and resources